참고 사이트 (컨퍼런스, 커뮤니티 등)#

  1. “Civitai,” accessed February 7, 2024, https://civitai.com/.

  2. “Deforum,” accessed February 7, 2024, https://deforum.art/.

  3. “PromptoMANIA,” accessed February 7, 2024, https://promptomania.com/.

  4. “NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Machine Learning and the Creative Arts (NeurIPS),” accessed February 7, 2024, https://neuripscreativityworkshop.github.io/2023/.

  5. “CVPR 2024 AI Art Gallery: Call For AI Art (CVPR),” accessed February 7, 2024, https://cvpr.thecvf.com/Conferences/2024/CallForAIArt.

  6. “AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2024 (AAAI),” accessed February 7, 2024, https://aaai.org/.

  7. “International Conference on Learning Representations 2024 (ICLR),” accessed February 7, 2024, https://iclr.cc/.

  8. “European Conference on Computer Vision 2024 (ECCV),” accessed February 7, 2024, https://eccv2024.ecva.net/.

  9. “International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP),” accessed February 7, 2024, https://2024.ieeeicassp.org/.

  10. “International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI),” accessed February 7, 2024, http://www.miccai.org/.

  11. “Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL),” accessed February 7, 2024, https://chilconference.org/.

  12. “Machine Learning for Health Care Conference (MLHC),” accessed February 7, 2024, https://www.mlforhc.org/.